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(Last Updated On: )You love your pet! Your pet is a member of your family and take them into consideration and provide the best care possible, including grooming, but have never considered mobile pet grooming.
Using mobile pet grooming solves an issue that impacts both you and your pet.
Pets need to be groomed on a regular basis as part of a healthy routine. Most dogs would rather skip bath time and that is without a doubt! Some pooches are sure it is a form of punishment!
That, of course, is far from the truth, but besides making your pet more pleasant to be around, there are other reasons why your pet needs regular bathing and grooming.
Table of Contents
Regular Grooming Keeps Your Pets Skin and Fur Healthy
Regular grooming plays an important part in keeping your dog clean and their skin free from dirt, fleas, and parasites.
Unfortunately, bathing can be a chore for all concerned. Your pet does not appreciate being dunked in a tub of water.
This is a contradiction, as they will gladly wallow in as many mud puddles that they can find!
But there is something about bathing which makes them run for the hills and hide under the bed.
Taking Your Pet To A Brick And Mortar Groomers
You can take them to the groomers and save both yourself and your pet from having to go through the shared agony of bathing at home.
And while that is one solution, you still have to get them into the car and into the groomer’s establishment.
Once your pet knows where they are going, it is all over. Cooperation is done; as they know their torture is going to begin, and the next step is dragging them into the groomers.
Leaving them there is not that easy, either. You know that when you leave them and then return hours later, they will be happy to get away from that place. The next time, they will do all they can to make the experience difficulties when they have to return.
Your time and your day are tied up as you have to drop them off and wait for a call to say that you can return to get your darling when they are done. Not the most pleasant way for either of you to spend your day.
There is, however, a better way to achieve getting a dog with a clean, healthy coat and both of you being much less stressed. That can be accomplished by using a mobile groomer.
A huge advantage of a mobile groomer during the pandemic is that you have limited contact with the public. During this pandemic, the advice has been to limit your contact with others and to socially distance yourself.
Having a mobile groomer come to you, rather than you going to a brick and motar building is the perfect solution.
They will be able to schedule and take payments over the phone. Once at your home, you will just need to hand them the leash with your pet and they will do the rest.
What Is A Moblie Groomer?
Much like the name implies, a mobile groomer is someone who comes to your location to groom your pet. This wonderful service is a perfect solution for getting your pet the necessary bathing and grooming that is the least troublesome and traumatic for both you and your pet.
How Does A Mobile Groomer Work?
This service brings the groomer to you. They will arrive at your location. You can have them come to your home or office.
Mobile groomers will come in a van or large vehicle and they will have everything that is needed.
They will have a tub for washing your pet and electricity for clippers, lights, and dryer. They will have air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter.
Their mobile pet grooming unit will have hot water, so your pooch will be bathed in warm water.
You may wonder if you have to supply electricity and water for the mobile groomer van, and you do not need to provide anything for the groomer.
The groomer, just like when you go to a groomer’s physical brick and mortar building, will supply everything necessary, including shampoo.
There are some pet owners that have preferences in shampoos or know what works best with their pets.
If you have a favorite Best Dog Shampoo 2020 [Relieve Sensitive, Dry, or Itchy Skin] that you prefer the groomer to use, you can have that available for them and they will use your preferred product. Otherwise, the groomer will use their own products.
How Often To Bathe A Dog
Dogs don’t need to be bathed daily, like us humans do. They do need, however, to have regular cleaning to keep them smelling good and so that their skin stays healthy. Each situation and each pet may be different and have different needs.
Depending on if your pet is a couch potato or if they are out roaming the farm all day, your pet may need to be bathed every other month or once a month. Check with your veterinarian for their advice on how often your pet needs bathing.
As a general guideline, usually bathing your dog once a month will work for most dogs.
Dogs with oily coats, like basset hounds, might need to be bathed more frequently than other dogs.
Short-haired breeds, those with smooth coats, like beagles and Weimaraners are usually fine with less frequent baths.
Some breeds of dogs have water-repellent coats, such as golden retrievers. The great Pyrenees should not be bathed as often to preserve the natural oils in their coats.
Some dogs have thick, double coats, like Samoyeds and malamutes. They do better if they have fewer baths. These breeds do much better with extra brushing. It gets rid of loose, dead hair.
Again, if you live in the country and your pet runs through fields and streams, they are going to need a bath more often than a pet that lives in a condo and spends most of their time indoors.
While it is important to bathe your dog when needed, it is also essential not to bathe them more than necessary. Doing so will strip your dog’s coat of its natural oils. Stripping the dog’s coat will be more prone to dandruff, frizzies and their hair will get mats in it.
Bathing Your Dog At Home
Unless you have a dog that is just a little thing, under ten pounds or so, it might not be too much fuss giving your pet a bath.
It can still be difficult for some pet owners, though, who have a hard time getting down on their knees beside a tub.
Some owners also don’t like having to wrangle a dog that is less than thrilled to be undergoing a (to them) excruciating experience.
There are also some pet owners who have conditions like arthritis, which will make bathing a difficult task for them.
It also seems like all of us are busy, and it can be a challenge to squeeze in the time to get your pet to a groomer and then pick them up when they are ready later that day.
The wonderful thing with a mobile groomer is that they will do much more than just bathe Fido.
They will also trim your dog’s hair or fur, clip your dog’s nails, express anal sacs when requested, trim around your pet’s eyes (which can be tricky for an owner), and blow them dry.
A groomer has tried and true techniques to make bath time for your dog a hassle-free experience.
Benefits of Mobile Pet Grooming
Pros of Mobile Pet Grooming
Door to Door service:
In the same way that a plumber, electrician, or carpet cleaner will come to your home at a time that is convenient for you, so too will a pet groomer show up at your home to take care of getting your pet a bath and do grooming.
This works on your schedule and you can be doing other tasks around the house while your pet is being cared for.
The major benefit of mobile pet grooming is the ease it is to use. If you work from home or don’t want to spend your days off taking your pet to the groomers, a mobile groomer is a blessing.
You don’t have to fight traffic, or try and wrangle your pet into and out of your vehicle. There is less pet hair in your vehicle, too.
Less Stress for Both of You:
This is a huge advantage! You are busy, and it is often a challenge to find the time to get your pet to the groomer.
Not only that, if you have small children, you often have them in tow when you go anywhere. It can become overwhelming and much more of a project than it needs to be.
Because of this, your pet does not get the grooming as often as they need.
Life can have enough stressors as it is, and when it is impossible to lighten the load you carry, you should take advantage of services that relieve some of the stress and are of great advantage to you.
It is less stressful for your pet, as they have not left the comfort of home. They just walked out to a van or mobile unit in the driveway. There are no other strange dogs or people, and a lot of different noises that will cause apprehension and anxiety for them.
It is much less stressful for your pet to be in one small area that does not contain other unfamiliar sights and sounds.
Faster service:
When you have a mobile groomer come to your home, the process tends to be faster. The groomer’s attention is not divided as can sometimes be the case in a brick and motar facility.
Your pet is the only one in attendance. There are no other pets that require attention and there are no other distractions. Your mobile pet groomer will need only one or two hours, which tends to be less time than at a facility.
Oftentimes, when you are given a pickup time for your pet at a facility, they might be delayed due to other duties. That is not the case with a mobile groomer.
If the groomer has any questions or needs to show or consult you regarding any issues with your pet’s skin or coat, you will be within reach of the groomer.
Less Hassle:
Even if you are going to be somewhere else, like at friends, or your parent’s house, the mobile groomer goes to wherever you are. You could have a mobile groomer meet you at the park and you go for a run while your pet is bathed and groomed.
If you are at soccer practice with your child, you can have the mobile groomer meet you at the soccer field.
This gives you greater flexibility on where and when to have your pet get the necessary grooming.
Being able to schedule this task when and where it is easiest for you is a huge convenience!
The mobile groomer will have one on one time with you and your pet. The groomer will be focused on your pet alone, which makes it more soothing and relaxing for both you and your pet.
You will also have the ability to speak with them one on one, rather than the groomer having moved on to another pet like at a brick and motar facility.
Because your pet is the only one in the mobile unit, there is less risk of them being exposed to parasites or developing an illness. While brick and motar facilities also have cleanliness standards, they are also busy with multiple pets that are in and out all day long.
A mobile groomer is in business for itself and does not do the volume that other facilities that have multiple groomers can do. A mobile groomer has more control over the cleanliness aspect of their operation.
No Car Sickness:
There are some pets who love a ride in the car, and others who do not do as well. If you have one of those pets that develop an upset stomach for riding in the car, or it makes them anxious, having a mobile groomer eliminates that sickness and fear.
Cage drying:
Most grooming facilities use cage drying. Pets are dried with a cool air dryer while they are in a cage. Most shops use this as their primary method for drying. If your pet has a hard time being caged, this can be particularly stressful for them.
Another advantage of not having to pack up your pet is that your car stays free of pet hair. When you wrangle a dirty pet into your car for the ride to the groomers, you bring back a clean pet but have to put them back into the car that they just shed all over.
Having a mobile groomer come to you eliminates all of that.
No Kennels:
If your pet is not used to a kennel, this can be a challenging experience for them. Most grooming facilities use kennels before and after the grooming process to contain your pet.
If your pet is an older pet, a large or anxious pet, this is not at all ideal for them. With a mobile groomer, your pet is never in a kennel or cage.
Same groomer:
If you use the mobile groomer and it works out well, then your pet will get familiar with them and can take comfort in knowing the groomer.
The result will be of greater consistency as the groomer gets to know your pet and how to groom the best.
Your House Stays clean:
Whether you bathe your pet in the bathroom or in the laundry area, your house will stay cleaner when your pet gets their rooming done with a mobile service.
You will not have wet towels, hair in the tub and elsewhere, and all the other parifanaila that goes along with bathing a pet.
Cons of mobile pet grooming
A mobile groomer tends to be more expensive than a grooming salon. A mobile groomer will not be able to see as many dogs a day as a stand-alone grooming place can.
They also have the cost of gas and their equipment that adds to the price of mobile pet grooming.
High-velocity dryer:
Most mobile groomers use a high-velocity dryer. This can speed up the time that it takes to dry a pet, which is an advantage, but some pets don’t prefer the noise that a high-velocity dryer makes.
It depends on your dog’s temperament.
Limited schedule:
A mobile groomer will not be able to serve as many dogs as a brick and motar facility and therefore may not have as many openings.
They may, to save on time and gas, do certain areas of town on certain days. If you try a mobile groomer and find that the experience works well for you, it is probably a good idea to get on a set schedule with the groomer.
Mechanical breakdown:
A mobile groomer relies on their vehicle and the mechanics within the vehicle to perform their business.
If they get a flat tire, or a generator needs repair, it will derail their entire operation until repairs are made. While this may not be a major consideration, it is a possibility.
What To Look For in a Mobile Groomer
- A mobile groomer should have a vehicle that is custom built with a comfortable interior that caters to pets and helps them to stay calm during grooming.
- The equipment should be up to date. It should be of professional grade.
- There should not be cages or kennels in a mobile pet grooming vehicle.
- The products that are used on pets should all be non-toxic and chemical-free.
- A mobile grooming vehicle should have proper flooring and ventilation.
- The vehicle should be sparkling clean and sanitary.
- The unit should have the proper lighting needed for grooming.
- A power generator to run clippers and dryers.
- The vehicle should have its own water tank and water heater.
Services that a mobile pet groomer should provide:
- Bathing and conditioning
- Flea and tick treatments
- Teeth brushing
- Nail trimming
- Ear cleaning
- Express anal sacs
- Some provide specialty hair cuts, but not all
In Conclusion
As a pet owner, you want the very best for your pet. That means regular grooming to get rid of dirt, potential parasites, and fleas. It also keeps them smelling clean and keeps your furniture and carpets cleaner if your pet is clean, too.
It is not an easy task when you do the job at home on your own. Neither of you prefers to have to go through the mess and stress of the bathing process in the family tub.
A mobile pet groomer for your pet, whether it be a cat or a dog, is an ideal solution to keeping your pet’s coat healthy and clean.
It can be a lifesaver not to have to try and coach your pet into the car and then return again when they are done.
Having a mobile groomer that you can establish a relationship with and will drive right to your home takes the stress and hassle out of the proceeding from both you and your pet.
Is mobile grooming more expensive than taking our pet to a groomer?
Yes, it is a bit more expensive than taking your pet to a brick and mortar facility. When you consider the time you save, the less stressful the experience is and how much better it is for you and your pet, it is well worth the cost.
Does your pet need to be up to date on their vaccinations?
Yes, your pet will have had to have all the necessary vaccinations. You will be asked to provide a copy of their rabies and distemper vaccinations. A mobile groomer will also want the name of your pet’s vet and their phone number.
Do you have to stay at home while your pet is being groomed?
This will depend on the mobile groomer. Some groomers will want you to be available for the first one or two sessions while they and your pet get familiar with each other. After that, some mobile pet groomers are fine handling your pet without your presence.
Where does a mobile groomer park their vehicle?
A mobile groomer will park their vehicle wherever there is a legal parking space. It can be in your driveway, the roadway, or a parking lot.
Ian is an avid outdoorsman and dog lover. He lives in Central Florida with his wife Heather, and their 2 dogs – Panda (Purebread Rough Collie X English Golden Retriever) & Kuma (Blue Merl Purebread Rough Collie)